Sunday, October 01, 2006

What's Cooking Grandma?

Human Beans have made available videos they’ve made with grandmothers living in Lancaster area via YouTube. In the videos Grandmas show us how to cook their special recipes - including Scones, Blackcurrant Jam and Pea and Ham Soup. In the 'Perimeters, Boundaries and Borders' exhibition these videos are shown with prototype ‘Grandma Players’ - new kitchen appliances based on modified jam jars, designed to record Grandma's instructions and the sound of her cooking so you can play her back in your own kitchen and cook along in real time.
Watch the videos or add your own here

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I am exploring a hybrid form of art and design practice through the use of computer-based design and fabrication tools. I am interested in experimental objects and spaces that are dynamic and responsive and seek to challenge perceptions, expectations and established behavior.

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