Thursday, April 17, 2008

Product Scotland (book)

A book has been published (ISBN 978-0-9558468-0-9) as a way of recording and sharing the results of the 4 Product Scotland workshops held at the end of 2007 (more information here). There are lots of pictures, participant comments and some essays in it. These are:

'Design Ethnography for the 21st Century' by Paul Rodgers & Mike Anusas.
'I Love Digital' by Jon Rogers.
'Ontologies of Production: 21st Century Transformations in Manufacturing' by me.
'Creativity - Preaching to the Converted' by Craig Whittet & Alex Milton.

I'm not sure how the book is being distributed but if you have to have a copy, contact:

Dr Paul A. Rodgers
Reader in Design
School of Creative Industries
Napier University

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I am exploring a hybrid form of art and design practice through the use of computer-based design and fabrication tools. I am interested in experimental objects and spaces that are dynamic and responsive and seek to challenge perceptions, expectations and established behavior.

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